News: 每年计划招收博士生1人、硕士研究生3至4人,同时欢迎优秀的本科生加入实验室。
1. Zhang Quanxin, Zhang Xiaosong, Xue Yuan, Hu Jingjing*: A stealthy covert storage channel for asymmetric surveillance volte endpoints. Future generation computer systems, v102(Jan.), 472-480, 2020(SCI, IF: 6.125)
2. Qikun Zhang, Yongjiao Li, Ruifang Wang, Lu Liu, Yu‐an Tan, Jingjing Hu*:Data security sharing model based on privacy protection for block chain-enabled industrial Internet of Thing. International Journal of Intelligent System, 2020(SCI, IF: 10.312)
3. Yuanzhang Li, Dongyan Ma, Chen Liu, Wencong Han, Hongwei Jiang, Jingjing Hu*: An Efficient Bounded Model Checking Approach for Web Service Composition. Mobile Networks and Applications, 2020(10) (SCI, IF: 2.602)
4. Guan zhitao, zhang yue, Wu Longfei, Wu Jun, Li Jing, Ma Yinglong, Hu jingjing*: APPA: An anonymous and privacy preserving data aggregation scheme for fog-enhanced IoT. Journal of network and computer applications, v125(JAN.):82-92, 2019(SCI, IF: 5.57)
5. Hu Jingjing*, Ma Dongyan, Liu Chen, Shi Zhiyu, Yan Huaizhi, Hu Changzhen: Network Security Situation Prediction Based on MR-SVM. IEEE Access, PP.99,2019(SCI, IF: 3.745).
6. He Jialing, Zhang Zijian, Li Meng, Zhu Liehuang, Hu jingjing*: Provable Data Integrity of Cloud Storage Service with Enhanced Security in the Internet of Things. IEEE Access:6226-6239, 2018(SCI, IF: 3.745)
7. Li Yuanzhang, Hu jingjing*, Wu Zhuozhuo, Liu Chen, Peng Feifei, Zhang Yu: Research on QoS service composition based on coevolutionary genetic algorithm. Soft Computing, v22:7865-7874, 2018(SCI, IF: 2.784)
8. Hu Jingjing*, Wu Guijin, Chen Xiaolei: Parallel Web Service Composition Algorithm Based on Graph. Journal of Internet technology, v18,3,P667, 2017(SCI, IF: 0.786)
9. Hu Jingjing*, Chen Xiaolei, Zhang changyou: Proactive service selection based on acquaintance model and LS-SVM. Neurocomputing, v211, SI, P60,2016. (SCI, IF: 4.072)
10. Jingjing Hu*, Xing Zhao, Huitao Zhang: A GPU-based multi-resolution approach to iterative reconstruction algorithms in x-ray 3D dual spectral computed tomography, Neurocomputing, v215, SI, P71, 2016(SCI, IF: 4.072)
11. Jingjing Hu*, Xing Zhao, Feng Wang: An extended simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique (E-SART) for X-ray dual spectral computed tomography. Scanning, v38, 6, P599, 2016(SCI, IF: 1.330)
12. Jingjing Hu*; Xiaolei Chen; Yinyin Cao; Liehuang Zhu: A Comprehensive Web Service Selection Algorithm on Just-in-Time Scheduling. Journal of Internet Technology, v17, 3, P49,2016(SCI, IF: 0.786)
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目《高可信Web服务组合方法研究》(主持)
2. 国家重点研发计划《智能终端XXXX研究》(主持)
3. 国家重点研发计划《基于开放架构的CAE云化服务平台》(主持)
4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目《基于时间自动机的实时Web服务组合研究》(主持)
5. 北京市青年英才项目《语义Web实时服务组合研究及预警服务应用》(主持)
6. 通用项目《XXXX安全关键技术研究》(主持)
7. 国家重点研发计划《网络系统安全度量方法与指标体系》(参与)